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  • Do AstraFemina speakers charge a fee?

    No, AstraFemina members donate their time to share their STEM experiences with the girls.

  • Does AstraFemina support both in-person and virtual events?

    Yes, additionally our goal is to cover travel expenses for our members in support of partner in-person event requests. Currently we discuss this with our partners on a case-by-case basis as we build our organization.

  • Do you support mentorships?

    No, currently our program provides speakers for group events, not individual mentoring.

  • Does AstraFemina organize events that girls can sign up for?

    No, we speak at events that are created and managed by our Partners.

  • How do I partner with AstraFemina?

    AstraFemina is interested in partnering with non-profit, educational and other organizations with STEM programming targeting girls and young women that are looking for women role models. If you are interested in partnering, fill out the partner application form and an AstraFemina Board member will contact you.

  • Once established as a partner, can our organization request specific speakers or career titles?

    No. However, you may provide the STEM focus of your event in the description, and if requested, we will try to match with our volunteers’ experience if possible.

  • How else can I support AstraFemina?

    AstraFemina raises money to help pay for our member travel so that our partner organizations, many of whom do not have access to significant resources, can have access to women role models. Providing travel funds for our members broadens the communities with whom we can engage. Interested in donating? Donate here.