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Girl Scouts of Michigan: Leadership Conference

The Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore-to-Shore Leadership Conference is a meeting of Girl Scouts from across the 30 county region for the purpose of learning about career options from women of distinction who are leading in their fields. Requesting AstraFemina member to serve as the in-person KEYNOTE SPEAKER to share her STEM story and inspire the girls to pursue STEM. Also to share how her experience as a Girl Scout positively impacted her journey. We'd also like the speaker to participate in small group Q&A with the other mentors.
***Keynote Speaker (Girl Scout Alum), Q&A with Girls, Photos with Girls***

Media at Event: Yes
300-500 girls: Cadette (grades 6-8), Senior (grades 9-10), Ambassador (grades 11-12)

Deadline to sign up: MARCH 20, 2023